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U10 CVL Roundup

U10 CVL Roundup

Stevie Biltcliffe9 Jun - 16:00
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2023-2024 season with Coach James Greene and Samantha Lewis

It has been a wonderful year for the Eagles Under 10 and Under 8 squads.

Our Saturday sessions are a joy to behold with our amazing children beginning their basketball journeys.

The sessions are designed to introduce some of the key concepts behind how basketball is played and retain a sense of fun because, at the end of the day, basketball is meant to be fun!

The idea of competition is being introduced slowly as this is quite a new concept for the under 10 children.

We have between 30 and 40 children in attendance every week and it’s been wonderful to watch the development of the players. I have personally been very impressed with how the children have embraced the skills of basketball and how they are always striving to improve.

I would like to thank all the parents for their continued support for the club and for the additional focus on those children who have been introduced to the competitive side of basketball.

We have taken the U8’s and U10’s to quite a few games and tournaments this year and its encouraging to see the children embrace competition and strive to compete whilst also understanding the ethos we try to promote as a club of fair play and applauding the good performances of all.

The concept of ‘playing for the team’ we are introducing gives the children a chance to embrace collaboration, a skill that will be useful in all aspects of their development both on and off the court. It is wonderful to see the creation of our team and all the rewarding social elements this brings.

A special thanks must go to our amazing junior coaches who assist myself and Sam every week. Lottie, Evie, Milo, Zoe, Miles, Jake, and Ethan have proved to be an invaluable source of both assistance for us and encouragement and mentorship for the squad.

Having those coaches who have come through the ranks at the club gives the younger Eagles role models to show them how to both play basketball and how to conduct themselves as they develop.

Here's looking forward to an amazing year next year, to the continued development of our young Eagles and to the enjoyment we see at all our sessions. All we need now is more coaches (looking at you parents!) and we could extend the training sessions to even more children on our waiting list.

And finally a special thanks must go to our Team Manager Richard. Literally none of this would be possible without his superb work

Thank you

Coach James and Coach Sam

Further reading